New Arrivals

Welcome to our new Items category, where you'll discover the latest and most exciting additions to our DIY cosmetic making collection.

Showing 1–12 of 40 results


Fall & Thanksgiving Fragrance Oils

Appleberry + Cedarwood Luxury Fragance Oil


Christmas and Winter Fragrance Oils

Bacon Fragrance Oil

Original price was: $25.87.Current price is: $24.50.

Christmas and Winter Fragrance Oils

Bourbon Strawberry & Vanilla BBW Type Fragrance Oil


Floral Fragrance Oil

Brazilian 4-Play Fragrance Oil


We are constantly searching for innovative and unique products to bring you the best shopping experience possible, and this category is where you’ll find our newest treasures.

From our personal care products, carrier oils and our fragrance oils, you will find everything here! We stay ahead of the curve and are the first to explore new fresh ideas.

Please Note:

  • We are an environmentally friendly company, and package orders in as few containers as possible. Please specify any bottling preferences in the checkout Notes/comments section.
  • We are not responsible for the products you create from our supplies. You alone are responsible for product and recipe testing to ensure compatibility and safety.