Bakery Fragrance Oils

Our bakery frgrance oils line is our most delectable line of scented oils. They all capture the essence of everything crave-worthy and delicious, reminiscent of a visit to your favorite local bakery or your own kitchen.

Showing 1–12 of 51 results


Indulge your senses in the irresistible world of Bakery (or foodie) scents. The mouthwatering aroma of freshly baked cookies, decadent cakes, luscious creams, tantalizing pies, and an endless array of pastries is what highlights this category.

A sensory delight, it will make you want to savor the aroma, like fresh baked cookies from your kitchen. Elevate your products with the enticing fragrances of our bakery oil collection, bringing the comforting and delightful essence of baked goods to all of your products.

Please Note:

  • We are an environmentally friendly company, and package orders in as few containers as possible. Please specify any bottling preferences in the checkout Notes/comments section.
  • We are not responsible for the products you create from our supplies. You alone are responsible for product and recipe testing to ensure compatibility and safety.